We hope you are doing well and staying safe during these very unusual times.
For the past 14 years, we have taken great pride in the speed and reliability in which our orders are shipped and delivered to our friends all over the world. For those that have shopped with us in the past, you may have had personal experience with orders being shipped out mere minutes after being placed or packages being delivered from us here in Japan to you on the other side of the world in just a few days.
With the current global situation, postal services here in Japan and all over the world are seeing extremely unusual and unprecedented complications and delays. The virus has also caused shipping to some countries to be temporarily suspended. Although these delays and suspensions are not in our control, we are still striving as always to process orders and send them out as quickly as possible and we hope that normal shipping services will resume soon.
We want to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone for your patience and understanding with these very unusual circumstances. We are truly thankful for all of your support, especially during these difficult times. Stay safe, stay positive, and know that good times are around the corner!
Peace. Stephen and Emiko
For updates from Japan Post regarding delays/suspensions, please check: https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/2020/0401_02_en.html